Sunday, July 31, 2011

Homebound Day 1: CA, NV, AZ

Well, we are on our way home from California today. It took quite awhile for us to leave, but we finally said our goodbyes and pulled out of the driveway by 11:30am. We decided to take the Tioga Pass straight through Yosemite again after Jim and Jocelyne's recommendation and I couldn't complain about taking that awesome drive one more time! 
This is Yosemite High County and that's 2 amazing waterfalls!

We were supposed to head south to Bakersfield and then cut over the Mojave Desert onto I-40 which is our gateway home. However, we opted to cut through the mountains and drive past Vegas. I definitely don't think it was the best route to take for time, but it was a wonderful drive. We drove through 3 mountain passes to get from California to Nevada! They were winding, tight roads and I briefly feared for our lives on only a few occassions. On the upside, we saw beautiful vistas of the Sierras behind us, free range cattle close enough to touch (and cross the road in front of us) and Alain got to see the amazing lights of Vegas at night!

We didn't get as far as we originally hoped last night, so we'll be driving at least 14 hours for today and tomorrow! :(

Another interesting thing about Nevada is the random houses you see in the middle of nowhere (as you approach Vegas) with lights and interesting names like "Shady Lady Ranch". It took me driving by three of them until I believed Alain who insisted the were 'brothels'. Obviously, we did not stop. ;)

The kids are ready to go home finally! I find it amazing that our kids have adjusted to the vagabond lifestyle so easily these last few weeks! It's helped that we didn't stay in one place more than one week, but it's been really fun to watch them adjust at each house to different toys, different kids and different house rules. They are such wonderful kids!

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